Naked Bible 419: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: Romans 1-3

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 419: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: Romans 1-3

To this point in our series on Paul’s use of the Old Testament we’ve focused on Paul’s “storied reading” of the Old Testament—specifically, how the Old Testament profile of messiah emerges. In the last episode we talked about how Malachi sets up Romans in terms of Israel’s covenant failure and the expectation of a divine messiah. In this episode we look at how the theme of Israel’s elective vocation is reconfigured by Paul to focus on the work of Christ and the resurrection. In Romans 1-3, this will take the form of how Paul understands faith/faithfulness and Torah keeping.

Naked Bible 418: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: Malachi and Romans

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 418: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: Malachi and Romans

The book of Malachi closes our English Old Testament. Because of its position and status as one of the “minor prophets,” this book is one of the more neglected in the Bible. What possible relevance could it have for the messianic profile discussed in preceding episodes of this series? How does it relate to Paul? Surprisingly, Malachi is the perfect set up for what Paul does with the Old Testament in his writings. Listen to find out how!

Naked Bible 417: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Messiahs in Daniel 9

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 417: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Messiahs in Daniel 9

Like the previous episode, this discussion with Dr. Matt Halstead takes us to Daniel 9, a passage that uses mashiach (“anointed one”) twice, as well as the verb mashach (“to anoint”). The passage has historical fulfilment roots in the second century B.C., but also is referenced later by Jesus as something awaiting fulfillment.  In this episode we consider what Daniel 9’s contribution to the messianic profile we’ve been building in this series.

Naked Bible 416: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Son of Man in Daniel 7

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 416: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Son of Man in Daniel 7

In the previous episodes with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by appeal to passages that contain that word (Hebrew, mashiach) was fundamentally misguided. To this point, we’ve explored reading the Bible as story, understanding prophecy as “act, then re-enactment,” and a series of motifs that provide us with elements of a messianic resume (Davidic dynasty language, sonship, the seed/offspring, “branch” language, and servanthood themes from Isaiah). In this episode we turn to Daniel 7 to introduce another resume element—the “son of man” language intimately associated with ruling the nations in the divine council scene of that chapter.

Naked Bible 415: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Messianic Story Part 3

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 415: Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Series: The Messianic Story Part 3

In the previous episodes with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by appeal to passages that contain that word (Hebrew, mashiach) was fundamentally misguided. In the previous episode with Dr. Halsted, we took a look at the merging of “messiah language” (various story elements and motifs) with “David language” (motifs about his dynasty and catch phrases like “branch” and “servant”). This episode continues that discussion with specific concentration on the Servant of Isaiah.

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