Naked Bible 339: Exodus in the Gospel of Matthew

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 339: Exodus in the Gospel of Matthew

We’ve noted many times how the New Testament draws on the Old Testament for its content. Some books stand out in that regard. The Gospel of Matthew is one of them. Long regarded as the most Jewish gospel due to its numerous hooks into the Old Testament, Matthew was especially fond of the book of Exodus. In this episode, we’ll take a trip through Matthew to see how frequently Matthew utilizes Exodus and Moses imagery and episodes in his presentation of Jesus.

Naked Bible 338: Conversation Series Part 5

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 338: Conversation Series Part 5

Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content of his book, The Unseen Realm, to their congregations. The response was amazing, with close to 150 responses. The interest in sharing the experience of teaching the meta-narrative of Scripture to congregations stimulated the idea to have guest pastors and teachers on the podcast to tell us their stories. Join us as we listen to pastors of diverse denominations and congregations talk about the impact of teaching biblical theology in its original context to their people.

Naked Bible 336: Begotten by the Spirit

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 336: Begotten by the Spirit

In Matt 1:20 the gospel writer describes Mary’s pregnancy to Joseph this way: “do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” The wording is unusual for several reasons, most notably that the Greek verb translated “conceived” in the ESV means “fathered” or “begotten,” something the Old Testament never has the Spirit doing elsewhere and only rarely has God performing in any context. In this episode of the podcast, we talk about Matthew’s word choice in this verse and its theological implications.

Naked Bible 335: Jesus as the Gardener

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 335: Jesus as the Gardener

In John 20:11-16 is a famous scene after the resurrection that takes place at the garden tomb. To our surprise we learn that Mary Magdalene failed to recognize the risen Jesus, instead “supposing him to be the gardener” (John 20:15). In this episode of the podcast, we discover that John’s intent in this scene was not to have his readers question Mary’s ignorance or judgment. Rather, the scene draws on a frequent ancient Near Eastern tradition, also present in the Hebrew Bible, that associates kings with gardens and even casts them as gardeners. The garden tomb scene and the identification of Jesus as the “gardener” turns out to be filled with symbolism that presents Jesus as the Davidic messiah-king.

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