Naked Bible 334: Paradise Lost

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 334: Paradise Lost

Dr. Louis Markos returns to the podcast (first appearance, episode 322), this time to talk about the influence of Paradise Lost, the classic work by John Milton, and its influence on Christian thought about Satan and demons. Dr. Markos is Professor of English at Houston Baptist University. He is an authority on C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien and also teaches courses on mythology, Classical Literature and Victorian and Romantic Literature. Dr. Markos recently reviewed Dr. Heiser’s book, The Unseen Realm, and found its emphasis on the supernatural metanarrative of the Bible not only fascinating, but quite important for contemporary believers, especially millennials

Dr. Louis Markos’ Amazon Author Page

Naked Bible 333: The Israelite King and Jesus as King

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 333: The Israelite King and Jesus as King

Listeners to this podcast know that the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament is crucial to being an intelligent reader of the New Testament. Usually this takes the form of a New Testament writer citing a specific Old Testament passage and either interpreting it or applying it. Sometimes the relationship between the testaments is much broader, where New Testament writers presume an entire backdrop of worldview elements or practices. In this episode we illustrate how the gospel writers intentionally present Jesus in the context of specific elements of Israelite kingship. Knowing this helps us get more out of the gospel presentations of Jesus’ life.

Naked Bible 332: Conversation Series Part 4

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 332: Conversation Series Part 4

Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content of his book, The Unseen Realm, to their congregations. The response was amazing, with close to 150 responses. The interest in sharing the experience of teaching the meta-narrative of Scripture to congregations stimulated the idea to have guest pastors and teachers on the podcast to tell us their stories. This episode is the fourth of a series in that regard. Join us as we listen to pastors of diverse denominations and congregations talk about the impact of teaching biblical theology in its original context to their people.

Naked Bible 330: The Exodus and John 3:5

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 330: The Exodus and John 3:5

Few passages in the Bible are as familiar to Bible readers as John 3, the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. John 3 of course gives us memorable lines, such as “you must be born from above” (more popularly, “you must be born again”) and of course John 3:16. The chapter has also produced famous interpretive headaches, like “unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). This episode of the podcast seeks to explicate this verse by exploring the strength of the idea that the exodus and its Old Testament imagery provides the context for interpreting John 3.

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