Naked Bible 309: Exodus 32-33

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 309: Exodus 32-33

This episode of the podcast returns to parts of Exodus 32 that dovetail with the content of Exodus 33. The exchanges between God and Moses in these chapters produce points of confusion: If God really decided not to destroy Israel for the golden calf incident, then why does he still judge them? Why does Moses plead for God to turn away his anger and then demand that the perpetrators of the calf’s sacrilege be killed? In Chapter 33 God tells Moses that he will no longer be going with them to the Promised Land, but will still send “an angel” to guide them—a statement that confuses Moses. How is this consistent with God’s earlier promises in Exodus that he would take Israel to the Land and the identification of Angel of Exodus 23, who was the visible manifestation of Yahweh?

Naked Bible 308: Exodus 32

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 308: Exodus 32

Exodus 32 details the tragic failure of Israel’s apostasy with the golden calf. The story is well known, mostly for its portrayal in the movie The Ten Commandments. The Israelites are in a panic. Moses has been gone forty days with no hint that he’ll return. In tandem with Moses’ absence, God has not manifested his presence over the same time period. The people are without evidence that God is still with them, they have no leader, they cannot return to Egypt, and they have no idea where they are supposed to go. They demand Aaron give them a god to fill these voids, a yearning that leads to disaster. This episode of the podcast discusses these elements and other less obvious issues in the passage, including whether the calf was thought to represent Yahweh in Israelite religion.

Naked Bible 307: Exodus 30-31

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 307: Exodus 30-31

Exodus 30-31 completes the Torah description of the instructions for the Tabernacle and its furnishings. In this episode of the podcast we’ll talk about the altar of incense, the “horn” imagery used of the altar and elsewhere, the meaning and function of incense, and Bezalel and Oholiab, the main craftsmen picked by God for Tabernacle construction.

Naked Bible 306: Exodus 28-29

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 306: Exodus 28-29

The descriptions of the vestments worn by the priests of Israel, particularly the high priest, can make for uninteresting reading. But these two chapters of Exodus and their content put forth significant theological messaging. In this episode of the podcast we discuss how the priestly garments take us into the concepts of kingship, mediation, and mission to the nations outside Israel.

Naked Bible 305:

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 305:

In this episode of the podcast we welcome T. Dirk Smith, Vice President of (formerly known as Eastern European Mission). Dirk tells us about the ministry’s mission of getting Bibles to every person in Eastern Europe and beyond. has shipped Bible to over 30 countries in 22 languages and has some unique opportunities in that regard, including some eastern European countries who require the Bible in their public schools.

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