Naked Bible 214: Q&A 26

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 214: Q&A 26

Dr. Heiser answers your questions.

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Naked Bible 213: Do Good Works Contribute to Salvation?

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 213: Do Good Works Contribute to Salvation?

What is the proper biblical relationship between faith and works? Do good works contribute to salvation? If not, then why should we care about the way we live? Personal holiness is something taught in Scripture, but the desire to please God in our lives often leaves Christians guilty when they fail. Believers begin to suspect God doesn’t love them any longer—or at least not as much. The result is that the clarity of the gospel gets muddled. This episode of the podcast aims to help us think clearly about grace, faith, and works in the Christian life.

Naked Bible 212: Joshua’s Conquest of Jericho and the Ugaritic Keret Epic

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 212: Joshua's Conquest of Jericho and the Ugaritic Keret Epic

The basic details of the Israelite conquest of Jericho are well known. The renewal of the covenant at Shechem, the miraculous crossing of the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, Joshua’s encounter with the supernatural commander of the Lord’s host, the sending of the spies to the city and their reception by Rahab, the weird battle instructions to march around the city and blow the ram’s horns, and the collapse of the walls have been retold in countless Sunday School classes and sermons. But virtually unknown is that many of these details have correspondences in a story from Ugarit, an ancient city state in Syria. That story is known as the Keret (or Kirta) Epic. In this episode we talk about the similarities and how an ancient reader might have processed such parallels.

Naked Bible 211: Was Cain the Seed of the Serpent?

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 211: Was Cain the Seed of the Serpent?

In 1 John 3:11-12 the apostle warned believers, “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother.” Does this passage mean that Cain was fathered by Satan? The idea is indeed found in some ancient Jewish texts. Is there any evidence for that in the Old Testament account of his birth? This episode of the podcast answers those questions.

Naked Bible 210: God and Deception

The Naked Bible Podcast
The Naked Bible Podcast
Naked Bible 210: God and Deception

This episode of the podcast raises a straightforward question: Does God ever deceive anyone? While listeners might think the answer must be in the negative, that actually isn’t the case. This episode considers several passages where God uses deception and suggests the same to biblical figures. We also consider related questions, such as: Is deception the same thing as lying? and, If God uses deception, how are we to think about that? Are there ramifications for personal ethics?

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